Healing by Reiki and relaxation
I had an interesting afternoon. I decided to look after myself this week and went to see the physio for a confirmation of my worries on my leg. I knew what is wrong, just wanted to know how bad it is. This is muscle issue since I got hit by a car door in 2012...and after my fall few weeks ago, the pain came back and wanted to be sure I can do something about it.

Then today I had this voucher to see with open eyes this amazing women who do Healing psychic...hummm what does it mean? Well only one way to know is to try and trust. It was 1 hour of Reiki (energy body works) waved by her sound of her voice and understanding of energy while lying on your back. I get ''transported'', ''confused'', ''bored'' , ''Sleepy''and then big sweat came up from nowhere...
pffff...This was great. It's called energy.
I enjoyed the outcome then we draw cards to talk about the past (to leave behind), the present to understand and the futur to goal. I picked 8 cards all good, maybe one upset me but others confront me to real life and to see what to look for in the futur. It concluded by the last card which say I was the Healer, Love healer. I look after people before myself. I listen and love. I treat and care. I stay positive and raise consciousness and awareness. When I came to Australia, I used to said: ''I can help you''....this was my way to say to the girl that I can be useful!!!
Well this healer, Elisabeth specialises in LOVE recovery!
Where there is an absence of Fear, Love is revealed.
Well I enjoyed it, Thank you
Elisabeth, 104 Railway Pde Kogarah, New South Wales, Australia, NSW 2217
0420 401 771